Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Wig Out!" Hair Extentsions....The Good, the Bad and Just Plain Ugly

Ladies, do you ever watch a celebrity t.v. show or pick up a juicy gossip magazine and wonder how it is that every female in Hollywood seems to have the most ravishing, longest, luscious locks? It doesn't seem fair to be so rich, beautiful AND have great hair genes! Us everyday gals are on a continuous mission to find our hair miracles in a bottle. You know what I'm talking about. Brand A will thicken your hair. Brand B will help your hair grow. Brand C will smooth the cuticle and Brand D....,well, this one will help you attract the perfect man! The solution is quick and simple - Hair Extensions. Well, the actual process of getting hair extensions isn't really that quick (can take up to 6 hours) or simple (its important to find an expert technician or else you too will be buzzing your weave off like Britney), nor is it cheap (costs run anywhere between $800 - $3,000). Nevertheless,
i decided to give them a try. It was going to be my 34th birthday
and i decided i wanted to look fabulous. I chose to go with Great Lengths hair extensions which is one of the many lines that manufacters them with 100% natural human hair. Once the black 20 inch extensions were securely bonded in, i couldn't help but feel like i resembled Cousin It. Or worse. Like that creepy, wet creature lady crawling out of the well in the movie,The Ring. However, once it was cut and styled i will admit, i felt, well how do put this....fabulous, sexy and younger!


1. Storybook Rapunzel will magically come to life before your eyes.You will get instant length and thickness. It will make you want to throw your hair out of your second story office window in hopes of snagging your very own Prince Charming!
2. Hair comes in a variety of natural colors. Expert technicians can even mix and match extensions to give you new brilliant highlights.
3. It would take years to get that length! Okay, so sitting still 4 to 5 hours isn't the most ideal situation especially if you have A.D.D. or urinary incontinence, but lets face it, it's worth it.
4. Your friends will be completely jealous that you look like a diva. Even their husbands and boyfriends will notice something "different" about you! You just might land that great job, get invited to the newest hottest party, or feel like a porn star in bed. Well, okay that might be stretch but a girl can dream can't she?


1. Too much hair too soon for some. You will definitely have to get used to your bountiful locks. Be prepared to use more shampoo and more conditioner. Drying and styling time will increase as well. Ladies, you might actually get a bicep and tricep workout blow drying your hair out.
2. Be prepared to pull out the Advil. The first few days might be uncomfortable especially at night. Your scalp might be a little sore in spots or itchy at times. No real worries though. This feeling passes relatively quickly.
3. Throw away your old bristle brushes and plastic combs! You will need a special extensions brush to help comb your hair. Anything else will pull your hair out at the scalp. They recommend brushing your hair thoroughly twice a day.
4. Don't play with your hair! This may pull extensions out so all you gals who are constantly twirling their hair in their fingers will have to find another vice. Try shopping. It will take your hands off of your hair and onto your pocketbook.


1. Extensions must be conditioned and combed regularly otherwise your hair will quickly turn into a bird's nest. Huge knots and tangles will appear quickly and, with the recent bouts of Bird Flu in the last few years, you may not want any feathered creatures looking for a new place to lay their eggs.
2. If extensions are placed improperly, the bonds will show. And once they grow out, they will show as well unless maintained on a regular basis. This may make it difficult if you want to put your hair in a basic ponytail for a gym workout or a sophisticated updo for a wedding.
3. If you decided to remove extensions, your natural hair will be weaker at the ends and will likely need to be cut. I about almost fell out of the chair when my stylist told me i would need to have 4 to 5 inches snipped. I struggled with that decision for a few days then decided to take them out anyways. Although my hair is shorter now, it is much easier to maintain. Do i miss my hair extensions? Yes. Would i do it again in the future? Possibly. Would i recommend other women try it? Definitely!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog was unbeweavable!